Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Aloe Sunscreen

Aloe Sunscreen, over exposure to the sun can caused sunburn and ultraviolet rays may cause damage to your skin. Aloe Sunscreen can help block out the UVA and UVB which will get harmful effect of the sun with a SPF protection factor of 30 while it soothes and moisturized with stabilized aloe vera which is 100% natural ingredients. It is waterproof and can retain its sun protection factor even after 40 minutes of activity in the water.
Only RM56.00


Exfoliating Cleanser

Exfoliating Cleanser formulated with hypoallergenic ingredients to provide a light, non-greasy, pH and moisture balanced lotion. Exfoliating Cleanser is a non-irritating lotion that can thoroughly remove makeup and dirt with just a few drops. Also gently peels away dull-looking dead skin to reveal new skin underneath.
Only RM66.00

Firming Foundation Lotion, specially formulated for use in our Beauty Regime, it is in emollients and vitamins A, C and E. It firm, re-texture and tightens pores while helping to retain the moisture balance of the skin. It provide a smoother under-makeup foundation for day use. Its rich content of beneficial ingredients also helps screen UV rays and nourishes the skin. Helps shield the skin from the harsh environment with SPF of 15. Only RM80.00

紧肤底霜是特别为美容保养程序所配制的,富含润肤剂及维他命A, C及E。它能够强健,重整肌肤纹理及收缩毛孔,同时滋润肌肤。它提供柔滑的日间化妆粉底。此外,她富含隔离紫外线的保护因子,紧缩毛孔及滋养肌肤的独特成分。保护皮肤免受外来因素损害,具防晒系数SPF 15, 能预防紫外线,并作为妆前底霜。只需RM80.00

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Forever Aloe Scrub

Forever Aloe Scrub, deep pore cleansing is maximized by the combination of aloe vera gel, jojoba microspheres and other moisturizing ingredients. Gentle enough for everyday use, it is suitable for the face and all other parts of the body. Helps scrub away dead surface skin cells, open up pores and clear the way for the skin's renewal process to reveal 'new' healthy skin. Jojoba also helps lubricate your skin during the process to protect it from dryness and damage. It also giving a whitening effect. Suitable for whole body.
Only RM62.00

芦荟凝胶,荷荷芭柔珠及其他滋润成分的结合能更深入的洁净肌肤。适合每日使用,因为珠粒是用荷荷芭的谷制成,一遇到水就会慢慢的溶化进皮肤,所以是不会伤害到皮肤。可用于脸部和其他身体部位。它帮助去除老化及暗淡无光的表层细胞,清洁毛细孔,显见‘新的’ 健康肌肤。在这个过程中,荷荷芭帮助滋润肌肤,预防肌肤脱水及受损。帮助皮肤去除角质层还有美白功效。适合用于全身。只需RM62.00

Aloe Activator

Aloe Activator is an exclusive moisturizing and cleaning solution formulated with pure aloe vera and allantoin. It contains enzymes, amino acids and polysaccharides. Aloe Activator helps stimulate blood circulation thereby improving oxygen supply to the cells. It nourishes the skin and helps heal damaged skin. It is used with Facial Contour Mask Powder. For one bottle only RM66.00


Facial Contour Mask Powder

Facial Contour Mask Powder , it cleanses pores, helping to remove blackhead and white heads. Lifts and tightens skin, whitens, tones facial muscles, smoothes skin, and diminishes appearance of line. Also draws out and absorUsed together with Aloe Activator for deep pore cleansing and to stimulate facial skin regeneration.Suitable for whole body.
One bottle for RM98.00


Monday, May 4, 2009

Aloe Propolis Cream

ALOE PROPOLIS CREAM is a combination of two popuplar natural remedies: aloe vera and bee propolis. Bee propolis is known to help fight infections. We have also enhanced this product with chamile along with vitamins A and E. ALOE PROPOLIS CREAM is good for minor skin irritations and wounds.
It also lightens appearance of pigmentation, freckles and dark spots. Helps lighten Scars. Anti-inflammatoryand soothes swelling, increase skin's natural immunity.
One for RM72.00 with 113ml.


Rehydrating Toner

REHYDRATING TONER combines aloe. witch hazel, toning plant extracts, skin moisturizers, collagen and allantoin for a gentle toning solution. After removal of diert and impurities from the pores and skin surface, the pores need to be closed up. REHYDRATING TONER helps to moisturize and soothe the skin while it normalizes the pores. A non-alcoholic and non-drying formula that removes residual oils and soil while invigorating the skin.

It tighten pores, whitens skin appearence and restores skin's collagen. RM66.00 for one with 118ml.



Aloe Vera Gelly

Aloe Vera Gelly a soothing non-greasy gelly that is helpful for lubricating sensitive tissuee, it is useful as a treatment for minor cuts, burns, scalds and other forms of skin sensitivities. Made of stablilized aloe vera gel, our ALOE VERA GELLY which is essential identical to the inner leaf of aloe vera, is a thick translucent gel that rich in humectants and moisturizers. It is quickly absorbed for soothing relief and is suitable for all skin type, including oily skin.
In beauty care, it useful as a multi-purpose moisturizing mask, helps replenish skin's collagen and retain moisture. It also use as a Hydration mask. RM56.00 per bottle with 113ml.



Aloe Liquid Soap

A rich, luxurious, pH-balanced, moisturizing hand and face cleanser. ALOE LIQUID SOAP is a mild, no-tears formula that cleans, moisturizes and soothes the skin simultaneously. This highly effective cleanser leaves the skin extra clean, soft and supple. Suitable for all skin type.
" My name is Kathy, I'm one of the fans of FOREVER LIVING PRODUCTS. I'm using this Liquid Soap as my daily facial cleanser. It's really works for sensitive skin. Skin of mine is kinda sensitive and combination with a little bit dry. I've been looking for hundred of cleanser, this is the only one suit me, because it didn't bring any side effect. Since it was a 100% organic made from Aloe Vera. It is safe and gantle with pH 5.5-7. Suitable for baby also because with no-tears formula so it is 100% to use.
Use it daily morning and night, you will totally see the difference compare with other cleanser. It's only RM 62 for 473ml. It's really works!!"


芦荟香皂露是一种质感丰富,酸硷均衡,能滋润脸部及手部的香皂露。它性质温和,无泪配方能够同时洁净,滋润和暖肌肤。这品质优良的香皂露令肌肤额外清洁,娇嫩及润泽。只需RM62.00 一瓶473ml。

Aloe Vera Gel

Containing over 200 nutritional compounds, Aloe Vera is a plant that has been used for health and beauty purposes for centuries. FOREVER's enzymes and various other nutritional factors that can help to strengthen your body's own healing and defence system to improve your general health.

RM90 for one 1lit


排毒效果,含超过200种营养素,其中八大类,木质素-强力渗透功能。皂角苷-天然清洁剂。安特拉归农中和体-协助止痛止痒;抗菌消炎。单糖与多糖-提供热量。维他命-A,B1,B2,B3,B6,B12,C,D,E。矿物质。氨基酸。帮助消化系统重要的元素,加速营养的吸收。协助各种细胞维持正常操作。芦荟汁含丰富的纤维能强大肠的螰动。适合胃酸过多,胃风,胃痛(适合饭后喝),皮肤敏感,精神不好,容易疲劳,头痛,肥胖者。建议用量:每次30-60ml,一天2次。一瓶RM90.00 ,1 liter.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Forever Living Products The World Leader In Aloe Vera

Forever Living Products is the world’s largest grower & distributor of Aloe Vera. No pesticides or herbicides are used in our fields. Aloe Vera oxidizes within four hours from the time the gel is exposed to air. Once oxidized, the gel loses it’s nutritional value. Forever Living Products uses the Barbadensis Aloe Vera plant which is the most potent & nutritious, with only mature plants bearing the greatest benefits. If your aloe vera product is not produced from the Barbadensis plant, you are not getting the best quality product. If it is not properly stabilized (in four hours or less from the time the leaf is harvested) it may be of no nutritional value. Our Aloe Vera is not boiled. Excessive heat destroys the active ingredients. Our Aloe Vera is not reconstituted from freeze-dried gel. Our products contain 100% stabilized Aloe Vera gel, from plant to product to you.Drink Aloe Vera on a daily basis to assist digestion & absorption of nutrients, to add vitamins, minerals & amino acids to your diet, and above all, to promote a good healthy lifestyle.See us for health care products, beauty and skin care products, personal care products and cosmetics, nutritional supplements, weight management and bee products. Forever Living Products - unwavering commitment to quality.

We are the first company to receive the prestigious International Aloe Science Council Seal of Approval for consistency and purity. Our products also feature the Kosher Rating and the Islamic Seal of Approval, which futher demonstrate the global appeal of FOREVER products. These products are not tested on animals.

We invite you to ecplore through these pages and discover a world of health and beauty products with a level of quality and excellence unsurpassed by any other!!