Monday, May 4, 2009

Aloe Vera Gel

Containing over 200 nutritional compounds, Aloe Vera is a plant that has been used for health and beauty purposes for centuries. FOREVER's enzymes and various other nutritional factors that can help to strengthen your body's own healing and defence system to improve your general health.

RM90 for one 1lit


排毒效果,含超过200种营养素,其中八大类,木质素-强力渗透功能。皂角苷-天然清洁剂。安特拉归农中和体-协助止痛止痒;抗菌消炎。单糖与多糖-提供热量。维他命-A,B1,B2,B3,B6,B12,C,D,E。矿物质。氨基酸。帮助消化系统重要的元素,加速营养的吸收。协助各种细胞维持正常操作。芦荟汁含丰富的纤维能强大肠的螰动。适合胃酸过多,胃风,胃痛(适合饭后喝),皮肤敏感,精神不好,容易疲劳,头痛,肥胖者。建议用量:每次30-60ml,一天2次。一瓶RM90.00 ,1 liter.

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